Monday 27th, May 2024 11:00

To attend the webinar, pls contact

Centre International de Gastronomie Moleculaire et Physique, INRAE-AgroParisTech, Palaiseau

Wikipedia page here

During this seminar, we will clarify the differences between molecular and physical gastronomy, molecular cuisine, synthetic cuisine, and note-by-note cuisine. For the scientific part, we will examine how the study of phenomena that occur during culinary preparations can lead to still unexplored colloidal systems. And we will discuss the use of such systems for a synthetic cuisine currently under construction. And Hervé This will remotely direct an experiment carried out by a volunteer in the seminar room!

Contact: Pascale Marchot

A few sites to explore :

Works :
A scientific journal :

And an example of Hervé This’s activities:

Published on January 25, 2024