

Alphavirus nsP3 organizes into tubular scaffolds essential for infection and the cytoplasmic granule architecture

Vasiliya Kril, Michael Hons, Celine Amadori, Claire Zimberger, Laurine Couture, Yara Bouery, Julien Burlaud-Gaillard, Andrei Karpov, Denis Ptchelkine, Alexandra Thienel, Beate Kümmerer, Ambroise Desfosses, Rhian Jones, Philippe Roingeard, Laurent Meertens, Ali Amara, Juan Reguera

Nature Communications 15:8106 (2024)10.1038/s41467-024-51952-z

The activation chain of the broad-spectrum antiviral bemnifosbuvir at atomic resolution

Aurelie Chazot, Claire Zimberger, Mikael Feracci, Adel Moussa, Steven Good, Jean-Pierre Sommadossi, Karine Alvarez, Francois Ferron, Bruno Canard

PLoS Biology (2024)10.1101/2024.02.16.580631


Cas9 Allosteric Inhibition by the Anti-CRISPR Protein AcrIIA6

Olivier Fuchsbauer, Paolo Swuec, Claire Zimberger, Beatrice Amigues, Sébastien Levesque, Daniel Agudelo, Alexis Duringer, Antonio Chaves-Sanjuan, Silvia Spinelli, Geneviève Rousseau, Minja Velimirovic, Martino Bolognesi, Alain Roussel, Christian Cambillau, Sylvain Moineau, Yannick Doyon, Adeline Goulet

Molecular Cell 76:922-937.e7 (2019)10.1016/j.molcel.2019.09.012

Cas9 Allosteric Inhibition by the Anti-CRISPR Protein AcrIIA6

Olivier Fuchsbauer, Paolo Swuec, Claire Zimberger, Beatrice Amigues, Sébastien Levesque, Daniel Agudelo, Alexis Duringer, Antonio Chaves-Sanjuan, Silvia Spinelli, Geneviève Rousseau, Minja Velimirovic, Martino Bolognesi, Alain Roussel, Christian C. Cambillau, Sylvain Moineau, Yannick Doyon, Adeline Goulet

Molecular Cell 76:922-937.e7 (2019)10.1016/j.molcel.2019.09.012