Responsable du groupe thématique « Glycobiologie bactérienne »

Correspondante communication

Curriculum Vitae

2001 Doctorat en Biologie Structurale à l’Université d’Aix-Marseille (directeur : Dr Christian Cambillau),

2002-2004 Post-doctorat au York Structural Biology Laboratory, Dept. Chemistry (directeur: Dr Gideon Davies), Royaume-Uni.

2017 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Aix-Marseille

Glycobiologie bactérienne, pathogénicité et virulence

Mes recherches sont centrées sur la structure et la fonction d’enzymes impliquées dans la lyse de la paroi bactérienne et le développement de biofilm par les bactéries pathogènes…



Insights into the atypical autokinase activity of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa GacS histidine kinase and its interaction with RetS

Firas Fadel, Violla Bassim, Vanessa Francis, Steven Porter, Thomas Botzanowski, Pierre Legrand, Maria Maté Perez, Yves Bourne, Sarah Cianférani, Florence Vincent

Structure 22:S0969-2126 (2022)10.1016/j.str.2022.06.002

Molecular basis for substrate recognition and septum cleavage by AtlA, the major N-acetylglucosaminidase of Enterococcus faecalis

Véronique Roig-Zamboni, Sarah Barelier, Robert Dixon, Nicola Galley, Amani Ghanem, Quoc Phong Nguyen, Héloize Cahuzac, Bartłomiej Salamaga, Peter Davis, Yves Bourne, Stéphane Mesnage, Florence Vincent

Journal of Biological Chemistry 298:101915 (2022)10.1016/j.jbc.2022.101915


Biochemical characterization of a glycosyltransferase Gtf3 from Mycobacterium smegmatis: a case study of improved protein solubilization

Mahfoud Bakli, Loukmane Karim, Nassima Mokhtari-Soulimane, Hafida Merzouk, Florence Vincent

3 Biotech 10 (2020)10.1007/s13205-020-02431-x


Ten years of CAZypedia: a living encyclopedia of carbohydrate-active enzymes

Wade Abbott, Orly Alber, Ed Bayer, Jean-Guy Berrin, Alisdair Boraston, Harry Brumer, Ryszard Brzezinski, Anthony Clarke, Beatrice Cobucci-Ponzano, Darrell Cockburn, Pedro Coutinho, Mirjam Czjzek, Bareket Dassa, Gideon John Davies, Vincent Eijsink, Jens Eklof, Alfons Felice, Elizabeth Ficko-Blean, Geoff Pincher, Thierry Fontaine, Zui Fujimoto, Kiyotaka Fujita, Shinya Fushinobu, Harry Gilbert, Tracey Gloster, Ethan Goddard-Borger, Ian Greig, Jan-Hendrik Hehemann, Glyn Hemsworth, Bernard Henrissat, Masafumi Hidaka, Ramon Hurtado-Guerrero, Kiyohiko Igarashi, Takuya Ishida, Stefan Janecek, Seino Jongkees, Nathalie Juge, Satoshi Kaneko, Takane Katayama, Motomitsu Kitaoka, Naotake Konno, Daniel Kracher, Anna Kulminskaya, Alicia Lammerts van Bueren, Sine Larsen, Junho Lee, Markus Linder, Leila Loleggio, Roland Ludwig, Ana Luis, Mirko Maksimainen, Brian Mark, Richard Mclean, Gurvan Michel, Cédric Montanier, Marco Moracci, Haruhide Mori, Hiroyuki Nakai, Wim Nerinckx, Takayuki Ohnuma, Richard Pickersgill, Kathleen Piens, Tirso Pons, Etienne Rebuffet, Peter Reilly, Magali Remaud Simeon, Brian Rempel, Kyle Robinson, David Rose, Juha Rouvinen, Wataru Saburi, Yuichi Sakamoto, Mats Sandgren, Fathima Shaikh, Yuval Shoham, Franz St John, Jerry Stahlberg, Michael Suits, Gerlind Sulzenbacher, Tomomi Sumida, Ryuichiro Suzuki, Birte Svensson, Toki Taira, Ed Taylor, Takashi Tonozuka, Breeanna Urbanowicz, Gustav Vaaje-Kolstad, Wim van den Ende, Annabelle Varrot, Maxime Versluys, Florence Vincent, David Vocadlo, Warren Wakarchuk, Tom Wennekes, Rohan Williams, Spencer Williams, David Wilson, Stephen Withers, Katsuro Yaoi, Vivian Yip, Ran Zhang

Glycobiology 28:3-8 (2018)10.1093/glycob/cwx089


Structural and functional insights into the periplasmic detector domain of the GacS histidine kinase controlling biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Ahmad Ali-Ahmad, Firas Fadel, Corinne Sebban-Kreuzer, Moly Ba, Gauthier Dangla Pélissier, Olivier Bornet, Françoise Guerlesquin, Yves Bourne, Christophe Bordi, Florence Vincent

Scientific Reports 7:11262 (2017)10.1038/s41598-017-11361-3

Structural insights into a family 39 glycoside hydrolase from the gut symbiont Bacteroides cellulosilyticus WH2

Ahmad Ali-Ahmad, Marie-Line Garron, Véronique Roig-Zamboni, Nicolas Lenfant, Didier Nurizzo, Bernard Henrissat, Jean-Guy Berrin, Yves Bourne, Florence Vincent

Journal of Structural Biology 197:227-235 (2017)10.1016/j.jsb.2016.11.004

NMR assignments of the GacS histidine-kinase periplasmic detection domain from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1

Ahmad Ali-Ahmad, Olivier Bornet, Firas Fadel, Yves Bourne, Florence Vincent, Christophe Bordi, Françoise Guerlesquin, Corinne Sebban-Kreuzer

Biomolecular NMR Assignments 11:25-28 (2017)10.1007/s12104-016-9714-7




Structural and biochemical characterization of the β-N-acetylglucosaminidase from Thermotoga maritima: toward rationalization of mechanistic knowledge in the GH73 family

Alexandra Lipski, Mireille Hervé, Vincent Lombard, Didier Nurizzo, Dominique Mengin-Lecreulx, Yves Bourne, Florence Vincent

Glycobiology 25:319-330 (2014)10.1093/glycob/cwu113

Structural and Functional Characterization of the Clostridium perfringens N-Acetylmannosamine-6-phosphate 2-Epimerase Essential for the Sialic Acid Salvage Pathway

Marie-Cécile Pélissier, Corinne Sebban-Kreuzer, Françoise Guerlesquin, James A Brannigan, Yves Bourne, Florence Vincent

Journal of Biological Chemistry 289:35215-35224 (2014)10.1074/jbc.m114.604272


Crystal structures of a family 8 polysaccharide lyase reveal open and highly occluded substrate-binding cleft conformations

Zainab H Elmabrouk, Florence Vincent, Meng Zhang, Nicola L Smith, Johan P Turkenburg, Simon J Charnock, Gary W Black, Edward J Taylor

Proteins - Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 79:965-974 (2010)10.1002/prot.22938

Structure of a polyisoprenoid binding domain from Saccharophagus degradans implicated in plant cell wall breakdown

Florence Vincent, David Dal Molin, Ronald Weiner, Yves Bourne, Bernard Henrissat

FEBS Letters 584:1577-1584 (2010)10.1016/j.febslet.2010.03.015


Distinct oligomeric forms of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa RetS sensor domain modulate accessibility to the ligand binding site

Florence Vincent, Adam Round, Aline Reynaud, Christophe Bordi, Alain Filloux, Yves Bourne

Environmental Microbiology 12:1775-1786 (2009)10.1111/j.1462-2920.2010.02264.x


Structure and Activity of Two Metal Ion-dependent Acetylxylan Esterases Involved in Plant Cell Wall Degradation Reveals a Close Similarity to Peptidoglycan Deacetylases

Edward J. Taylor, Tracey M. Gloster, Johan P. Turkenburg, Florence Vincent, A. Marek Brzozowski, Claude Dupont, François Shareck, Maria S.J. Centeno, José A.M. Prates, Vladimír Puchart, Luís M.A. Ferreira, Carlos M.G.A. Fontes, Peter Biely, Gideon J. Davies

Journal of Biological Chemistry 281:10968-10975 (2006)10.1074/jbc.M513066200


Structure and Kinetics of a Monomeric Glucosamine 6-Phosphate Deaminase

Florence Vincent, Gideon J Davies, James A Brannigan

Journal of Biological Chemistry 280:19649-19655 (2005)10.1074/jbc.m502131200


The Use of Forced Protein Evolution to Investigate and Improve Stability of Family 10 Xylanases

Simon Andrews, Edward Taylor, Gavin Pell, Florence Vincent, Valérie M.-A. Ducros, Gideon Davies, Jeremy Lakey, Harry Gilbert

Journal of Biological Chemistry 279:54369-54379 (2004)10.1074/jbc.M409044200

Common Inhibition of Both β-Glucosidases and β-Mannosidases by Isofagomine Lactam Reflects Different Conformational Itineraries for Pyranoside Hydrolysis

Florence Vincent, Tracey Gloster, James Macdonald, Carl Morland, Robert Stick, Fernando Dias, José Prates, Carlos Fontes, Harry Gilbert, Gideon Davies

ChemBioChem 5:1596-1599 (2004)10.1002/cbic.200400169

Crystal structures of bovine odorant-binding protein in complex with odorant molecules

Florence Vincent, Roberto Ramoni, Silvia Spinelli, Stefano Grolli, Mariella Tegoni, Christian Cambillau

European Journal of Biochemistry 271:3832-3842 (2004)10.1111/j.1432-1033.2004.04315.x

Insights into the Molecular Determinants of Substrate Specificity in Glycoside Hydrolase Family 5 Revealed by the Crystal Structure and Kinetics of Cellvibrio mixtus Mannosidase 5A

Fernando M V Dias, Florence Vincent, Gavin Pell, José a M Prates, Maria S J Centeno, Louise E Tailford, Luís M A Ferreira, Carlos M G A Fontes, Gideon J Davies, Harry J Gilbert

Journal of Biological Chemistry 279:25517-25526 (2004)10.1074/jbc.m401647200


The Three-dimensional Structure of the N-Acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate Deacetylase, NagA, from Bacillus subtilis

Florence Vincent, David Yates, Elspeth Garman, Gideon J Davies, James A Brannigan

Journal of Biological Chemistry 279:2809-2816 (2003)10.1074/jbc.m310165200

Multifunctional Xylooligosaccharide/Cephalosporin C Deacetylase Revealed by the Hexameric Structure of the Bacillus subtilis Enzyme at 1.9Å Resolution

Florence Vincent, Simon Charnock, Koen H.G. Verschueren, Johan Turkenburg, David Scott, Wendy Offen, Shirley Roberts, Gavin Pell, Harry Gilbert, Gideon Davies, James Brannigan

Journal of Molecular Biology 330:593-606 (2003)10.1016/s0022-2836(03)00632-6


Boar salivary lipocalin

Silvia Spinelli, Florence Vincent, Paolo Pelosi, Mariella Tegoni, Christian Cambillau

European Journal of Biochemistry 269:2449-2456 (2002)10.1046/j.1432-1033.2002.02901.x

Control of domain swapping in bovine odorant-binding protein

Roberto Ramoni, Florence Vincent, Alison E Ashcroft, Paolo Accornero, Stefano Grolli, Christel Valencia, Mariella Tegoni, Christian Cambillau

Biochemical Journal (2002)


The insect attractant 1-Octen-3-o1 is the natural ligand of bovine odorant-binding protein

Roberto Ramoni, Florence Vincent, Stefano Grolli, Virna Conti, Christian Malosse, Francois Boyer, Patricia Nagnan-Le Meillour, Silvia Spinelli, Christian Cambillau, Mariella Tegoni

Journal of Biological Chemistry 276:7150-7155 (2001)10.1074/jbc.M010368200

Crystal structure of aphrodisin, a sex pheromone from female hamster11Edited by R Huber

Florence Vincent, Dietrich Löbel, Kieron Brown, Silvia Spinelli, Phillip Grote, Heinz Breer, Christian Cambillau, Mariella Tegoni

Journal of Molecular Biology 305:459-469 (2001)10.1006/jmbi.2000.4241


Mammalian odorant binding proteins

Mariella Tegoni, Paolo Pelosi, Florence Vincent, Silvia Spinelli, Valérie Campanacci, Stefano Grolli, Roberto Ramoni, Christian Cambillau

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology 1482:229-240 (2000)10.1016/s0167-4838(00)00167-9

Complexes of porcine odorant binding protein with odorant molecules belonging to different chemical classes

Florence Vincent, Silvia Spinelli, Roberto Ramoni, Stefano Grolli, Paolo Pelosi, Christian Cambillau, Mariella Tegoni

Journal of Molecular Biology 300:127-139 (2000)10.1006/jmbi.2000.3820


RNA recognition by transcriptional antiterminators of the BglG/SacY family: functional and structural comparison of the CAT domain from SacY and LicT

Nathalie Declerck, Florence Vincent, François Hoh, Stéphane Aymerich, Herman van Tilbeurgh

Journal of Molecular Biology 294:389-402 (1999)10.1006/jmbi.1999.3256