The AFMB teams regularly host PhD students (3-4 years) and master-2 (6 months) and master-1 (2 months) internship students, mainly from the four specialized Master programs Structural biology, genomics (BSG), Human pathology (PH), Microbiology, plant biology and biotechnologies (MBVB) and Organic chemistry, green and life chemistry (COCV2), but also from abroad (see below).

They also host undergraduate (1-2 months) and engineer trainees (2 months) from the Biological engineering/Biotechnology cursus at Polytech Marseille, as well as short-term trainees from Marseille or abroad. At the national level, the lab contributes to training courses in integrative structural biology (ReNaFoBiS).

Cursus enseignement AFMB – UMR7257

Where do our students come from?


  • Aix-Marseille U, Licence Sciences de la vie
  • Aix-Marseille U, Licence Sciences et technologies / Mathématiques, physique, chimie, informatique
  • Aix-Marseille U, Master1 Physico-chimie moléculaire, chimie organique, chimie du vivant
  • Aix-Marseille U, Master2 Bioinformatique, biologie structurale et génomique
  • Aix-Marseille U, Master2 Chimie organique, chimie verte, chimie du vivant
  • Aix-Marseille U, Master2 Pathologie humaine
  • Aix-Marseille U, Master2 Microbiologie, Biologie Végétale et Biotechnologies
  • Aix-Marseille U, Polytech Marseille, cycle ingénieur en Génie Biologique – Biotechnologie
  • Ecole Centrale Marseille, filière Bioingénierie
  • Lycée Marie Curie, BTS Biotechnologies, bioanalyses et contrôles
  • Lycée La Forbine, BTS Biotechnologies


  • Sup’Biotech Paris
  • AgroParisTech, Institut des sciences et industries du vivant et de l’environnement, Paris
  • Ecole Pratique de Hautes Etudes, Paris
  • U Claude Bernard, Lyon, Licence Chimie du vivant
  • U Henry Poincaré, Nancy, Master2 Biologie moléculaire, structurale et cellulaire et Magister
  • U Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, Master2 Sciences du vivant, sp. Chimie-biologie


  • Ecole Polytechnique de Sousse (Tunisie), Génie biotechnologie
  • U Alicante (Espagne), visiting PhD student
  • U California San Diego (CA, USA), visiting PhD student
  • U Copenhagen (Danemark), visiting PhD student
  • U Firenze (Italie), Master2
  • U Science and Technology Hanoï (Vietnam) visiting PhD student, Master2
  • U Milano (Italie), Master2
  • U Milano-Bicocca (Italie), Master2
  • U Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth (Liban), Master2
  • U British Columbia (Canada), visiting PhD student
  • U Ramon Llull, Barcelona (Espagne), visiting PhD student
  • U Zagreb (Croatie), Master2